Last week I received the answer to my grant request. I just knew I would get the grant for the children's equipment that I so wanted to have. The climbing wall, the tree house with all the rope ladders connected to it, the ball pit and the numbers of smaller items to include balance and strength training for children. You can imagine how disappointed I was when the email I received said that they wished me luck and thought it would be an excellent program but that I would not be able to receive the funding..... My first initial thought was what in the world have I gotten myself into.
Let me step back in my journey so that you can understand..............
2 1/2yrs ago God pushed me in this direction (meaning I was laid off). Naturally I looked for work, while being mommy to 3 children. With the economy the way it was not a lot of people would even entertain the idea of talking to a former CEO of any company. I didn't stop, I knew God had something better in store; I kept praying, seeking his direction and following where he led me. One of the things I was led to pursue was a personal training certification. Having a biology minor I knew a bit about the human body and being an exercise enthusiast this came natural. I continued to ask "why am I getting my certification in personal training". Although its interesting to me, the last thing I want to do is work in a Gym everyday. One day as I was running and talking with God, (asking that he would lead me and of course give me strength to finish) I completed 5miles in around 48minutes. Sat down exhausted, stretching my legs, bent over and God spoke to me, CAPABILITIES. That was my moment, when God gave me my path. I was to have a place to promote healthy living, fitness and Gods love. With that I was to reach the ones that I knew how to the best, individuals with special needs and children. ("Special needs" meaning anyone who just doesn't quite fit into that box and in my opinion 95% of us don't fit into that box in some way). So, having no money saved, hardly enough money for us to live on we decided I should follow God. Stepping out on complete faith.....Unable to get a loan, and very little money to even buy paint, a sign, and basics for making the building presentable, we signed the lease.
So now that you have the back story.........
What had I gotten us into, not only me but my family. Well, this week is a new week and even though I don't know the answer yet to all the how, when and what will come. I know one thing if God led me to it he will lead me through it. God doesn't speak to you then leave you. He doesn't start you on a task and abandon the mission. He will make it clear soon and I am excited to see what it will be
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